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Green Typewriter


Bestselling Author

J-P Rowley is a well-renowned Author who has experience writing in a variety of formats. They are thrilled to have developed a supportive readership across the globe. Check out some of their featured writings, press mentions and author info below.


Belief And The Art of Transformation - The spirit within-

Hello dear friends, family, and Believers of your own self. We come here once again to celebrate the power of love. Love is where "belief" really takes off. I love working with the Book "Belief And the Art of Transformation" for my own self and others. I have read it many times but it always has some really amazing material that has me in awe of its "timelessness". One of my teachers Deepak Chopra talks about "timelessness" and how to train the mind, body, and spirit to attune to "timelessness" and create beautiful timeless experiences. I can't give away too much about the book, but it is such a great tool for me especially now in this moment as I continue to help others through the book. And this is because it is a master-full book. Meaning that it is full of the teachings from different masters codified into the teacher and translator within me. We all have this "being" and master-full spirit within us. YOU have this master-full being and spirit within YOU. So celebrate YOU. Rejoice in YOU. Day 1 of the 83 days of self discovery starts with some powerful questions and affirmations that help in all sorts of ways with self-empowerment and transformation. And I am very glad to hear from readers who have voiced this. And I know it can do this for you too. If you sit with yourself silent, seated, and still. If you sit with yourself and listen. You will find the spirit within yourself. You will find the most wondrous and powerful things. Love yourself my dear friends. Believe in yourself. Tell yourself that you are open to miracles of spontaneous dream manifestations. Know the spirit within that is you. And that everything and anything is possible, accessible, and real from this space.

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